Just LOOK at this little beauty!!! I am so excited about my little Friday afternoon boredom buster web purchase, I can hardly wait until it arrives! I have been wanting to try this banana fro-yo ever since I read about the idea on some hippy-dippy vegan website, for 'homemade non-dairy ice cream'. It seemed like hard work with a food processor though, and then a few months ago, when I read about this contraption, I really wanted one but couldn't justify spending so much dough on a kitchen appliance that really only served one purpose - it seemed so frivolous. Fast forward to this morning, when in a conversation with my sister, she mentioned having recently returned something to Hammacher Schlemmer, taking advantage of their lifetime guarantee and I suddenly remember having returned a steering wheel bluetooth last summer. Well, I looked high and low, but could NOT find the gift certificate they'd sent me for the return, so I emailed Hammacher Schlemmer to ask if there was some way I could still use the gift certificate even though I lost it :D (Hey, no judging, I moved house, I have NO idea where it could be!). This is where I have to say Hammacher Schlemmer has THE BEST customer service of any company I know. They are super friendly, efficient, and they have a no exceptions, no attitude lifetime guarantee that I have benefited from not once, but twice now! They let me verify the address and original order number, then applied my credit towards this new order, and are sending me my purchase and my remaining gift certificate in 3-4 business days. Have you ever heard of such customer service?!! Ahhhhh I can't wait to freeze up some berries and bananas and make a delicious bowl of hippy dippy fro-yo!!!
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