Monday, November 19, 2012


Today things didn't really go as planned. My hubby headed up to San Francisco to meet a friend for a 49ers game, and I had a plan. I had cleaned, done my laundry, and was completely prepared for a quiet night of relaxation. Which I had, for a little while. Until I got a call from my hubby saying someone smashed his car window and stole one of his bags. With all of his toiletries and his prescription glasses. Expensive prescription glasses. 

Yeah, I wasn't feeling too grateful when I went downstairs to get some water. And discovered that my freezer door had been left ajar for quite some time. Seriously! And as I threw away semi-defrosted chicken, pot roasts, veggies and fruit, and then started to clean all the melty drips of mush out of the freezer, I thought you know, someone has it worse than you. A LOT of people have it worse than you. 

Which was a good thought, because as I toted my two heaping trash bags out to the dumpster in my cozy comfy sweats (remnants of the night I'd planned to have!), I struggled with holding up the dumpster lid and balancing the trash can to dump the heavy trash bags in. And then I dropped the trash can halfway into the dumpster. Seriously. And as I winced at the grossness of the situation, and cursed my non-existent upper body strength, I fought with the dumpster lid and trash can until I was able to get it out. I walked back to my garage, immediately threw all of my clothes in the wash, and took a LONG HOT shower. 

And sometime in the fog of the steam, it occurred to me - I am THANKFUL. Thankful that my husband's rental car was the only thing smashed today, that he was uninjured. Thankful that what the thieves stole is replaceable. Thankful to have a freezer filled with food, even if it did end up spoiled, I was fortunate that I'd been able to stock our freezer with healthy, yummy food. And I'd inevitably be able to stock it again in the near future. Thankful that I hadn't run into any raccoons while dumpster diving. Thankful for days when everything doesn't go right, coz it's a good reminder to appreciate all the days when things do go right!! :)

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