Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cupcake babies and ant adventures...

I was itching to try this recipe since I mentioned it in my post almost a month ago, so my friend's birthday last week was a great opportunity to bake a treat. They were so easy to make, not overly sweet at all, and were devoured by the birthday girl and others. I wish I'd taken a better picture, but I was decorating them in a hurry on Friday morning, before work. So this is as good as it gets ~ but just trust me, they were cute!

Want to know a funny background story? Our house has long been ruled by the tiny black ants we affectionately call beasties... Since we moved in, they have protested the intrusion by invading our kitchen, master bathroom and various other odd locations. I want to hate them, but for whatever reason, I don't find ants to be dirty (like cockroaches), or scary (like spiders), and given how persistent they are, you have to admire their gumption. We've attacked them through various methods, and we've definitely seen a marked improvement, but whenever I make baked goods, that is one of my challenges. There was the unfortunate incident of the cake pops (adorably decorated, kept overnight in a tightly sealed container, found the next morning to be the site of an ant party), and since then, I have developed a short list of safe 'hiding places' that the ants can't find. Fast forward to last Friday morning, when I got up early to decorate my cupcake babies, and I open my microwave to find... my short list of hiding places just got shorter!!! Those ants are SO persistent! Miracle of all miracles, I made 24 mini cupcakes, then used the extra batter to make 3 large cupcakes, and the ants had chosen to set up camp on the big cupcakes, leaving my minis alone, much to my relief!!!

While I made the frosting (my favorite part of this recipe by the way!), I turned the microwave on for 3 minutes, thinking that'd kill them. Well, I opened it to find them crawling around, unfazed by the nuclear action I'd taken against them. So I sprayed the microwave with vinegar (my trusty ant killing people safe organic cleaning spray :P), microwaved them a little longer, and cleaned those guys out! So that is the story of how my ant safe hiding place list got a little shorter.

Try this recipe - ants love it so much, they'll risk microwaves and vinegar for a bite - how's that for a glowing endorsement? :P

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