Well, a blog post months in the making has now come to a sudden end, thanks to my knee! Remember the lovely little tomato that was growing out on my rooftop garden? I have been waiting patiently for it to turn red, and finally picked it this morning, along with three little cherry tomatoes, one for my mum and my sister (who I will see later today), and one for me to eat... Of course I brought the 'big' guy (about 1 1/2 inches actually but comparatively big!) to show them before I made a tiny caprese salad or something with our 'first fruits'. Well. Sad to say, for some time now, my car door lock on the driver's side can only be opened from the inside, not by the key, so I have to unlock the passenger side, reach through and unlock it. So you can probably guess the end of this tale, but I stopped to run an errand on my way to work, reached through to unlock the door and sadly, knelt right on the little paper towel wrapped tomato bundle!!!! From the smell of it, it would have been a delicious little morsel (now I have to wait for the other two to turn red!), and thankfully, it protected my three little cherry tomatoes :) I ate one of the cherry tomatoes, which had a split skin, and it was delicious and tomato-y and consoled me, somewhat. Then I grabbed the ever-present pack of baby wipes that I keep in my car, cleaned the squished tomato that represents six months of organic urban veggie cultivation, and kept driving to work...
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