Well, as nice as my plans for baking up a storm and enjoying the chilly weather sounded, this weekend did not quite unfold that way. I am still dying to try making the coconut white chocolate cupcakes, and as luck would have it, a friend is celebrating her birthday next Friday, so that might be the perfect occasion to try this recipe out, if I can wait that long! I wasn't feeling great for most of the weekend, so wasn't really in the mood to be on my feet and baking... And yesterday, regardless of how I was feeling, we had to go pick up some free furniture from my friend's place, so rather than sleeping in on our day off, we rented a U-haul truck and my daring husband (who is quite the driver by the way!) maneuvered his way through the (horribly potholed) streets of Los Angeles and heroically loaded up the truck with our acquisitions. As much as it would have been nice to lay in bed and be lazy, I am NOT complaining. My friend, who is moving out of state, gave us a bed for our unfurnished guest room, and a lovely chaise which will go in the office, at least for now! It was so exciting to see these rooms furnished that I was inspired to unpack the last remaining box from our move last September, and to organize and sort all of the piles of things that have been waiting to be put away. The office has been our 'holding area' for things we haven't had time to organize and put away yet, but not anymore! So while the weekend didn't go exactly the way I'd thought, I am grateful for the extra day off, the organization we achieved because of it, and for free furniture! On a side note, the bed was missing two screws (my fault - I took it apart in a hurry as we were double parked :P)... We took a little side trip to Ikea, went to customer service and showed them one of the screws, and they willingly gave as two more, no questions asked! You've gotta love great customer service! Anyway, we did get to hang out with friends (and meet their new puppy!), and I had a lovely afternoon with my Mum on Saturday as well, so it wasn't an 'all work and no play' kind of weekend. And I completed a DIY art project for our house, which I will post about soon. Waiting until the hubby hangs them up so I can take a good pic! So it was a good weekend, even if it wasn't quite what I'd planned in my mind :)
A chaise like the lovely one we brought home yesterday ~ I have always wanted one!! |
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