Well, I was having one of those days today... I haven't been feeling 100% and it's been a busy week, at work, and then outside of work, planning for my hubby's upcoming birthday and our little weekend getaway, and sometimes it all just starts to feel a little overwhelming. I'm usually a pretty happy camper, and when I realize that all day, I have been dwelling on negativity, it occurs to me that I'm having one of those days. For example:
* every single car I drove behind today was apparently incapable of exceeding 35 miles per hour. No exaggeration
* I was having a bad hair day
* It was a hot/cold day - too hot with a sweater, a bit too chilly without one (or maybe I just picked the wrong sweater? Or maybe I was a little feverish!)
* I knocked over a glass of water on my desk - grr!
* I stared blankly at what I thought was a friendly stranger waving to me at the bank, and then remembered at the last minute that it was actually a co-worker (thank goodness I could blame my vagueness on sudafed but still embarrassing!)
* I knocked over yet ANOTHER cup of water at home, while clearing dishes after dinner

Note: HA - proof that I was actually having a bad day - the youtube video doesn't want to work properly either! Grr!!!
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